An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is not a Service Dog. There is no universalized training and the dog is not trained for specific tasks. Instead, ESAs help their owner with depression, anxiety, and/or other psychological disorders by providing companionship. They are not protected by the ADA but can fly on airlines and live in otherwise dog-prohibited HOA’s.

Training for ESA dogs

If not an established trainer, it is a good policy to consider having private lessons to achieve success

getting an ESA prospect from Valaurah farms

To be considered for a facility placement, please be sure to notate your desire on the puppy application. Please explicitly describe the type of help you are seeking from your dog.

Individuals seeking an ESA from us must understand and accept all of the following:

  • We are committed to the success of your puppy meeting your needs. This may mean it can take a few litters before an excellent prospect comes along. Your patience, communication, and dedication are an absolute must. We want you and the puppy to succeed, so making the RIGHT match is vital.

  • You can be picky about sex or coloring when discussing ESA dog prospects, however, I may deter you from one dog or another due to temperament evaluations. This is about life-saving/life-changing ability and some dogs are just not suited for therapy work (too tenderhearted, too drivey, not enough drive).